Monday, January 17, 2011

Smart BIM Best Practices and Benefits for Building Owners

Real Time BIM For the Life Cycle from KimonOnuma on Vimeo.

I attended an inspiring "Smart BIM Best Practices and Benefits for Building Owners," held at Qualcomm in San Diego. We'll post an additional presentation or two, as they become available. This professional program was organized, in part, by Chuck Brands, vice-chair, buildingSMARTalliance, San Diego Interest Group.

Here are several take-aways:

1. BIM is undergoing a radical change, as radical as the movement from horse & buggy to automobiles.

2. While the software that is powering this change is extremely powerful, it is relatively easy to use. I saw basic layouts of buildings occur, superimposed on Google Earth, in well under an hour. This was done by audience members, with no previous experience using Onuma Systems software. They were using their smartphones, iPads and laptops - from the audience. No software installation was required.

3. There are terms and acronyms that the architectural community uses (quite necessarily), that are confusing to the rest of us. But 15 minutes over lunch with Phil Bona, Chair of the San Diego buildingSMARTalliance Interest Group, and it all made sense to me. I hope we can recapture that on video, Phil.

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