Friday, June 24, 2011

6 Easy Tips for Completing Commissioning on Schedule

Commissioning is often compressed at the end of the project, lumped in with start-up, TAB and move-in. How do you avoid schedule compression? Well, it's not always easy but we have found that the best way to get a team on schedule is to:

  1. Promote the Pre-Requisites: Help them understand the pre-requisites required before Cx can start. This can range from things like power to the BMS panel, TAB being complete, programming being finished.
  2. Set Priorities Together: Help the team prioritize. For example, if most of the HVAC equipment is in the basement - then ask the GC and the electrician to coordinate getting power to that part of the building first. If you do this right, you will likely improve team relationships. 
  3. Sooner not Later: Help them understand that BMS control panels need power sooner, not later. If the panels are late getting power, then a lot of check-out and validation tasks get delayed. If you can't get permanent power, ask for temporary power.
  4. Program Ahead: Require the BMS contractor to prove that their programming is done ahead of time - versus they don't start working on it until they show up for start-up and commissioning.
  5. Program per SOO: Verify with the BMS contractor - ahead of time - that they are programming the job per the APPROVED control sequences of operation (SOO), versus 'the programmer is doing it the way he always does."
  6. Phase the Cx: Try not to be overly insistent that EVERYthing is ready before the Cx guy shows up. Be willing to work in phases, particularly when a job is behind schedule. You'll be seen as a team player, and will tend to get far better cooperation.


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